May 6, 2024
Energy consumption often flies under the radar of everyday awareness. A paradigm shift of energy efficiency for students is needed. Switch Energy Alliance Founder and Chairman, Scott Tinker, presents a compelling thought: “How can we save energy if we rarely think about it? If energy awareness becomes a cultural norm, efficiency will too. It’s time to make efficiency a habit.”
Embedding energy literacy into our cultural fabric so that efficiency will naturally follow suit is the big idea of the Efficiency Primer video. The theme of efficiency continues in all three videos in the Energy Efficiency in the Home lesson.
One Lesson, Three Videos, Three Activities
These lessons are not mere academic and mathematic exercises; they serve as catalysts for profound shifts in mindset and behavior. Through quick and engaging videos and interactive activities, students are invited to examine their daily energy habits. Learning outcomes include a deep-seated understanding of energy’s pivotal role in our lives.
The journey towards energy efficiency for students begins at home. Seemingly minor adjustments can yield substantial rewards. Dr. Ernie Moniz reinforces this message in the Benefits of Efficiency video, highlighting the tangible financial savings associated with energy-conscious living. From simple actions like switching off lights to leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as programmable thermostats, every effort counts towards a brighter, more sustainable future.
The lessons extend beyond theoretical discourse, delving into practical applications and real-world implications. Through meticulously designed assignments, students unravel the complexities of energy usage. First, in Cost and Calculations, students dissect the costs and benefits of Energy Star Appliances. Next, through Thermostat Technology, students design an experiment that would test the amount of kilowatt hour needed to regulate temperature for comfort in the home using manual versus programmable thermostat. Lastly, with Home Efficiency FRQ, students look at the economic and environmental impacts of two government policies. Armed with these practice exercises, students emerge as agents of change. They become equipped to enact meaningful transformations within their own households and communities.
AP Enviornmental Science Connections
Moreover, the lessons serve a dual purpose. Energy Efficiency in the Home seamlessly aligns with the AP Environmental Science (APES) standards and the objectives of the APES exam. By honing math problems and conversion practice, students are not only prepared for academic success but are also primed to tackle pressing environmental challenges with confidence and efficacy. Learn more about our free APES exam prep resource here.
In conclusion, the Efficiency Primer video and its accompanying lessons offer a transformative educational experience. Help your students lay a strong foundation for a more sustainable future. Furthermore, as we raise a generation of energy-conscious individuals, the ripple effects of their actions are endless. Each success story triggers a domino effect, from one sustainable practice to another. By instilling an understanding of energy and the principles of energy efficiency in our students, we sow the seeds of a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.
Stay tuned for more updates, resources, and inspiring stories in the next edition of the Switch Classroom newsletter and stay connected through our social media channels! Register for Switch Classroom for free today for access to over 500 free energy and environment resources.